Thunderbird Monthly releases are now the default download. Click to learn more

Sãso Mba’evaígui

Ani ndeare ehekahápe kundahára rendayke.

Eike ne ñe’ẽmondópe, arapapaha ha ñe’ẽkuaaha rembiporu’i ipya’évape. Ombogua ha omohenda eipotaháicha. Oikuaapa ne mba’etekuéra ha’eñoeño ñe’ẽmondo g̃uahẽha peteĩvape. Thunderbird nombohasýi nde rekove.

Pumbyry ohechaukáva Thunderbird mba’erechaha Android-pe g̃uarã.

Sãso Jejapovaigua

Ore rembiaporã naiñemíri. Arapy iporãve rekávo.

Thunderbird is funded by user donations. We don’t collect personal data, sell ads in your inbox, or secretly train AI with your private conversations. Thunderbird is open source. As part of the Mozilla family you can be confident we always put your privacy and security first.

Sãso ijapove rekávo

Thunderbird nemba’e.

Thunderbird is clean and elegant by default, but easily customizable to match your workflow and visual preferences. It is loaded with unique and powerful features. Here are just a few that people love:

Nde ñe’ẽmondo g̃uahẽha mopeteĩmbyry omoneĩ aimévo py’aguapýpe tembiapo hetave jave. ¡Che namoambuemo’ãi ñanduti veve pyahu!
Software mboguatahára, Austria
Ahayhu pe teramoĩ rembiapoite. Ambohéra mba’e guasu ha ajuhu pya’e.
Tembiporupyahugua, EE. UU.
Peteĩha apopyrã amohendáva oimeraẽ PC aiporúvape / areko... Aiporu amo Windows / Mac and Linux.
I.T. mboguataha, Reino Unido
Erekórõ ayvu ijurujáva emog̃uahẽ ha eñangareko [hag̃ua] ñanduti veve... iporã tekorosãrã.
Ñanduti mboguatahára, Costa Rica
[Thunderbird] chemombarete arekóvo chemba’éramo ñanduti vevekuéra.
Ingeniero, EE.UU.
¡Hasyetereíta ejuhu hag̃ua poruhára extensible Thunderbird-gui!
Temimbo’e, Reino Unido

Sãso eho hag̃ua ehosehápe

Roguenohẽ Thunderbird Mobile

The freedom and joy of Thunderbird are now available to you anywhere you go. With Thunderbird Mobile your most important messages are sent and received by an open-source, secure app that respects your privacy

¿Eikuaa umi oútava?

Thunderbird oikoporãve ko’ẽreíre. Eñemboheraguapy ore marandu’ípe ha roime ava ñandutietápe romomarandu hag̃ua.