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Thunderbird Mba’aporã

Ñanduti veve, arapapaha ha ñe’ẽmondorã Windows, Linux ha macOS-pe g̃uarã. Software rei ha reiporukuaáva nde rekosãsorã.

Tembiapoite iporãva

Ne rembiapokue pokatukue ipyahúva.

Ñepytyvõ heta mba’etépe g̃uarã

Eguereko ñanduti veve peteĩ tendápe.

All your email accounts have a home in Thunderbird. Manage accounts separately or in a unified Inbox. Search and organize with ease. Say goodbye to all those browser tabs!

Kora ojetacháva tugua pytãngýva ári.

Tekoasakue marandu’ỹre

Reigua ha oñeñapytĩ’ỹre.

We do not make money by reading your email. We do not clutter your inbox with ads. Enjoy a clean interface free from commercials and data mining.

Emoñe’ẽ ore rekoñemi porureko

Ojokupytýva pyendavusuita

Ne ñanduti veve oikova’erã eime eimehápe.

Never find yourself locked into an ecosystem. Use the operating system you like and change whenever you like while enjoying the same desktop app experience.

Ehechapaite eiporukuaáva
Mba’erechaha japyhy michĩva Thunderbird rechaha rehegua.

Arapapaha, ñe’ẽmondorã ha tembiapo

Upe ñanduti veve ha’e tembiapokue vore añoite.

Thunderbird helps your manage your appointments, contacts, and tasks. Stay organized, productive, and connected in one place.

Tekorosãve ha ñemigua

Eime tekorosãme ha ijypykuéva poguýpe.

Thunderbird is open source. Its code has been constantly reviewed and improved over 20 years. Transparency keeps us accountable and you safe.

Ehecha ayvu reñoiha
Thunderbird ra’ãnga’i peteĩ jopói ryrukuépe.

Tapiaite sãso ha jurujápe

Thunderbird ha’e jopói oúva ndeichaguágui.

Thousands have contributed time and money to make Thunderbird possible. Its code is open source and freely licensed to use, modify, and share. Thunderbird isn't just free, it makes you free.

Emoñe’ẽ ore rembipota

Tekohajere mbohapyháva

Rejapokuaáva Thunderbird ndive ndopái orendive.

Eipyguara Thunderbird moĩmbaha
Mba’erupa oĩhápe heta ta’ãnga’i moĩmbaha rehegua.

Mba’eita oikóva

Emopu’ã katupyryha Thunderbird rehegua.


Almost anyone can participate in making Thunderbird better and more accessible to others. Come and learn what opportunities are available. Find ways to contribute to the project:

Mba’éichapa eikekuaa

Emoherakuã temiandu

When developers, designers, and users work together amazing things happen. Come share your ideas for how Thunderbird could be better.

Mozilla Connect

Eheka Pytyvõha

Learn how to use Thunderbird and ask your questions. Thunderbird contributors from around the world are working to make your experience great.

Tenda Pytyvõha

¿Eikuaa umi oútava?

Thunderbird oikoporãve ko’ẽreíre. Eñemboheraguapy ore marandu’ípe ha roime ava ñandutietápe romomarandu hag̃ua.