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Thunderbird fyrir farsíma

Meet the leading open-source email app for Android. Enjoy complete freedom anywhere you take your smartphone.


Nýju ofurkraftarnir þínir til vinnu.

Krossaður hringur með bleikum bakgrunni.

Engar auglýsingar eða njósnir

Það er raunverulega ókeypis og frjálst!

Instead of making money with ads or data, Thunderbird is developed with donations of time and money from people just like you. Manage your email without giving up more of your privacy.

Lestu stefnu okkar varðandi meðferð persónuupplýsinga
Nærmynd af viðmóti Thunderbird á Android.

Tölvupóstforrit með allt sem þarf

Minnkaðu óreglu af völdum of margra forrita.

Consolidate all your email apps into one powerful app that respects your privacy and freedom. View messages separately or in one unified inbox.

Styður marga póstreikninga

Ekki missa af neinum skilaboðum

Sync with email accounts for home, school, and work. Almost anywhere you receive messages, we will have you covered.

Þróuð dulritun tölvupósts

Sendu og taktu við öruggum skilaboðum á hvaða reikningi sem er.

Advanced users who want the highest level of privacy can send and receive encrypted emails using the OpenPGP standard when paired with the free and open source OpenKeychain app. Even your email provider won’t have access to your messages.

Ljóst og dökkt viðmót

Match your preference or environment.

Read your email any time of day and in the way you love with native dark and light mode support. Many small interface features will make you fall in love with Thunderbird Mobile.

Thunderbird-táknmerki í opnaðri gjafaöskju.

Alltaf frjálst og opið

Thunderbird er gjöf frá fólki eins og þér.

Thousands have contributed time and money to make Thunderbird possible. Its code is open source and freely licensed to use, modify, and share. Thunderbird isn't just free, it makes you free.

Kynntu þér markmið okkar

Uppsetning í hvelli

Thunderbird Desktop users can migrate their settings quickly. Just scan the desktop app QR code from the mobile app.

Two QR codes are shown, one on a mobile device and another in the distance on a desktop.

Hjálpleg tilföng

Taktu kunnáttu þína í Thunderbird upp á næsta stig.

Til að komast í gang

Almost anyone can participate in making Thunderbird better and more accessible to others. Come and learn what opportunities are available. Find ways to contribute to the project:

Leiðir til að taka þátt

Deildu hugmyndum

When developers, designers, and users work together amazing things happen. Come share your ideas for how Thunderbird could be better.

Mozilla Connect

Fáðu aðstoð

Learn how to use Thunderbird and ask your questions. Thunderbird contributors from around the world are working to make your experience great.


Sjáðu hvað er næst á döfinni

Thunderbird heldur áfram að verða betri. Gerstu áskrifandi að fréttabréfinu okkar og fylgstu með okkur á samfélagsmiðlum til að vera með puttann á púlsinum.