Þetta eru útgáfur sem er opinberlega viðhaldið og dreift af Thunderbird. Sæktu nýjustu útgáfuna nema þú viljir prófa Beta-prófunarútgáfuna og tilkynna villur.
The Daily channel is where development and testing begin, and new features are developed. This is expected to be the least stable channel. Make sure you back up important data regularly.
The Beta channel is where stabilization occurs. This is expected to be more stable that Daily, but not as stable as the Release or Extended Support Release channels. Make sure you back up important data regularly.
The official annual extended support release. This release is intended for users who want all available new features on an annual basis and stability/security fixes on a monthly basis.
The official monthly release. This release is intended for users who want all available new features and bug fixes on a monthly basis.
Thunderbird heldur áfram að verða betri. Gerstu áskrifandi að fréttabréfinu okkar og fylgstu með okkur á samfélagsmiðlum til að vera með puttann á púlsinum.