我們需要您的 專長
Volunteers help create Thunderbird and ensure it is accessible throughout the world in dozens of languages. They write the documentation and answer the questions that help regular people use Thunderbird.
If you have programming experience there are a lot of ways to contribute to the Thunderbird project. Get started by identifying the area where you have the most experience and interest and following the steps to get started:
- 探索文件
- 加入 repository
- 到 Matrix 說聲嗨
Android 版開發:
- 探索文件
- 加入 repository
- 到 Matrix 說聲嗨
- 探索文件
- 加入 repository
- 到 Matrix 說聲嗨
Advocacy is one of the easiest ways to contribute to Thunderbird! Boosting our posts on Mastodon, showcasing the software to a friend, upvoting a helpful answer on Reddit; anything that adds visibility is a huge help. Here’s where to find us on various social platforms, and how to get involved.
One more way you can contribute is by sharing ideas, priorities, and feedback. Thunderbird is yours and we're listening.
Mozilla Connect貢獻者體驗
The ways and reasons to get involved are as diverse as the people who do.
Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and bring unique talents. They're making Thunderbird better for themselves and better for the world at the same time. You can join them.
Thunderbird is a testament to the power of the open-source community's contribution to driving innovation and efficiency.
It is great to be able to improve the software by fixing little things that affect me and other users
我在 Beta 測試版推出時就開始使用,回報找到的問題,並測試問題是否已經修正。
我在 Thunderbird 技術支援討論區協助其他人,這邊的參與體驗讓我非常有成就感。
Craft tools you want to use. Help others find and use software that respects their privacy and freedom. Become part of a better future for yourself and others by putting your talents to work at Thunderbird.