Quem nós somos

Conheça o Thunderbird

Thunderbird is a free and open-source software project founded in 2003 to make communicating and collaborating better. We are supported by the talent and generosity of thousands of individuals and part of the Mozilla family. Essential values guide us and make our work relevant. Read further to learn more.




Guiado por Valores

Um escudo com o logótipo do Thunderbird.


Você não é o produto.

Para nós, a propriedade dos dados e a privacidade são um direito seu, onde quer que esteja. O nosso compromisso com os seus dados pessoais é simples:

  • Nós não os recolhemos ou guardamos a menos que nos peça para o fazer.
  • Nós temos muito cuidado para mantê-los seguros de utilização indevida.
  • Nós nunca iremos vendê-los.
  • Você mantém a posse e o controlo do mesmo.
Leia a Política de Privacidade
A key with the Thunderbird logo.


O Thunderbird pertence a si (e ao mundo).

Thunderbird is Free and Open-Source Software, which means its code is available to see, modify, use, and share freely. Its license also ensures that it will remain free forever. You can think of Thunderbird as a gift from thousands of contributors to you.

Saiba sobre a MPL 2.0
Um balão de diálogo com o logótipo do Thunderbird.


Você tem uma parte no futuro do Thunderbird.

Thunderbird is free from the commercial requirements and incentives that often guide software development. Anyone can get involved in helping make Thunderbird better and available to more people. A contributor-elected council ensures Thunderbird remains true to its values and mission.

Driven by Community

Anyone can help make Thunderbird better. Programmers can contribute features they are passionate about or improve the existing code. Those who are multilingual can make Thunderbird accessible to everyone. Those willing can test new versions of Thunderbird and document issues. There are many ways to become part of a thriving community that makes Thunderbird unique. And if you don't have the time to volunteer, you can help support our work with a financial contribution.

Saiba Como Participar
Os Nossos Colaboradores

Part of the Mozilla Family

Thunderbird operates in a separate, for-profit subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation. This structure gives us the flexibility to offer optional paid services to sustain Thunderbird’s development far into the future.

We have a growing team of talented employees who develop and maintain Thunderbird, collaborate with our community and partners, and work to deliver Thunderbird to users around the world.

Lisa McCormack
Diretor Geral, Operações
Ryan Sipes
Diretor Geral, Produto
Alessandro Castellani
Diretor, Aplicações para PC/Móvel
Andrei Hajdukewycz
Diretor, Infraestrutura e Serviços
Alejandro Aspinwall
Sr. Software Engineer, Services
Alex Schmitz
Engenheiro de UX, PC
Anthony Macchia
Especialista de Contabilidade e Finanças
Ben Campbell
Técnico de Pessoal, PC
Brendan Abolivier
Engenheiro de Software, PC
Chris Aquino
Engenheiro de Software, Serviços
Sr. Software Engineer, Mobile
Corey Bryant
Gestor, Operações de Lançamento
Daniel Darnell
Engenheiro de Lançamento
Geoff Lankow
Sr. Staff Engineer, Desktop
Heather Ellsworth
Sr. Developer Relations Engineer
John Bieling
Sr. Software Engineer, Desktop Add-ons
Kai Engert
Sr. Security Engineer, Desktop
Kelly McSweeney
Sr. Technical PM
Laurel Terlesky
Gestor, Estúdio de Desenho de UI/UX
Magnus Melin
Técnico de Pessoal, PC
Malini Das
Manager, Web Services
Margaret Baker
Sr. Employee Experience Partner
Martin Giger
Staff Software Engineer, Desktop
Melissa Autumn
Sr. Software Engineer, Services
Micah Ilbery
Designer de UI/UX
Monica Ayhens-Madon
Coordenador da Comunidade e de Marketing
Natalie Ivanova
Manager, Comms & Community
Philipp Kewisch
Sr. Manager, Mobile Engineering
Rob Lemley
Sr. Release Engineer
Rob Wood
Sr Software Engineer, Test
Roland Tanglao
User Support Specialist
Ryan Jung
Sr Site Reliability Engineer
Sarah Regenspan
Customer Experience Specialist
Solange Valverde
Designer de UI/UX
Tarandeep Kaur
Employee Experience Specialist
Toby Pilling
Sr. Manager, Desktop Engineering
Vineet Deo
Engenheiro de Software, PC
Wayne Mery
Community Manager
Wolf Montwé
Sr. Software Engineer, Mobile

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