Funcziuns principalas
Las novas superforzas per tia productivitad.

No Ads or Spyware
It’s actually free!
Instead of making money with ads or data, Thunderbird is developed with donations of time and money from people just like you. Manage your email without giving up more of your privacy.
Legia nossas directivas per la protecziun da datas
All-in-One Email App
Reduce app clutter.
Consolidate all your email apps into one powerful app that respects your privacy and freedom. View messages separately or in one unified inbox.
Multiple Account Support
Don’t miss a message.
Sync with email accounts for home, school, and work. Almost anywhere you receive messages, we will have you covered.
Advanced Email Encryption
Send and receive secure messages on any account.
Advanced users who want the highest level of privacy can send and receive encrypted emails using the OpenPGP standard when paired with the free and open source OpenKeychain app. Even your email provider won’t have access to your messages.
Light and Dark Interface
Match your preference or environment.
Read your email any time of day and in the way you love with native dark and light mode support. Many small interface features will make you fall in love with Thunderbird Mobile.

Adina liber, gratuit ed avert
Thunderbird è in regal da persunas sco tai.
Millis han contribuì temp e daners per pussibilitar Thunderbird. Ses code è open-source e sia licenza permetta d’al utilisar, modifitgar e cundivider. Thunderbird n’è betg mo gratuit, il program ta liberescha.
Scuvra nossa missiunInstant Setup
Thunderbird Desktop users can migrate their settings quickly. Just scan the desktop app QR code from the mobile app.

Resursas gidaivlas
Rinforza tias cumpetenzas da Thunderbird.
Emprims pass
Quasi mintgin po gidar a meglierar Thunderbird ed al render pli accessibel per autras persunas. Ve a savair tge pussaivladads ch’i dat. Chatta las opziuns per contribuir al project:
Co participarParter ideas
Sche sviluppadras, designers ed utilisaders lavuran ensemen, capitan chaussas mirvegliusas. Parta tias ideas per meglierar Thunderbird.
Mozilla ConnectChattar agid
Emprenda ad utilisar Thunderbird e fa tias dumondas. Persunas da l’entir mund che contribueschan a Thunderbird lavuran per ta porscher ina experientscha optimala.
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