Treng du å få sagt noko?
Still spørmåla dine til teama nedanfor.
For spørsmål om korleis du brukar Thunderbird, besøk og søk på brukarstøttenettstaden vår. Send gjerne inn eit nytt spørsmål viss du ikkje finn svar. Hugs å vere høfleg mot våre tilsette og frivillige.
To get the best support, please ask your question in English. If you prefer to ask a question in Norsk nynorsk you can try this non-Mozilla community forum link.
To report a software vulnerability, please submit an issue on Bugzilla with the security box checked. This checkmark will make the report visible only to our security team, who can address vulnerabilities before public disclosure.
Thunderbird and the people who make it are amazing. Obtain access to our team for your story, review, or other content by emailing our Outreach Team.
Organizations wanting to sponsor software development or obtain assistance in large-scale deployments should email our Business Team. This team also handles other partnership inquiries.
Om du har talent som du er interessert i å dele men ikkje veit kvar du skal byrje, ler deg korleis du kjem i gang ved å besøke Delta-sida vår. Her vil du finne det friviljuge fellesskapet som samsvarar med interessene dine.
Protect future users from malware, data mining, or being fraudulently charged for Thunderbird by reporting trademark misuse. If you believe we are infringing on your copyright or trademark, please send a DMCA notice.